Archives: post

Dukataze Saye Company Ltd: Empowering Girls to Overcome Health Challenges

Teenage pregnancy and menstruation stigma are major public health concerns that have long-lasting consequences for women and girls. In Rwanda, adolescent pregnancy is higher than the global average, and teen mothers are at a higher risk of experiencing health complications and economic challenges. Additionally, menstruation stigma can lead to inadequate access to menstrual hygiene products […]

DOT Rwanda Onboards Ten Young Women to Boost their practical Research Skills

Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) Rwanda has onboarded ten young women researchers  who have been trained to lead the needs assessment, baseline surveys, and gender analysis for DOT Rwanda’s recently launched projects. In March 2021, DOT Rwanda launched two projects; the Daring to Shift( D2S )under the Global Affairs Canada partnership and the Digital Skills for […]