Archives: post

Dukataze Saye Company Ltd: Empowering Girls to Overcome Health Challenges

Teenage pregnancy and menstruation stigma are major public health concerns that have long-lasting consequences for women and girls. In Rwanda, adolescent pregnancy is higher than the global average, and teen mothers are at a higher risk of experiencing health complications and economic challenges. Additionally, menstruation stigma can lead to inadequate access to menstrual hygiene products […]

Eleven #DOTYouth in Rwanda who are leading COVID-19 community response and resilience efforts

Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) Rwanda is pleased to introduce eleven members of the second cohort of the #DOTYouth Street Team initiative who are from Rwanda. In November 2020, DOT launched the second cohort of the #DOTYouth Street Team initiative to tackle COVID-19 response, recovery, and community resilience. This cohort consists of 70 youth from Ghana, […]